Audio version below.
You grew up missing the love, care and support of a parent, so you swear never to let anyone get close enough to hurt you, disappoint you. Your parents fought constantly, each often showing how much they despise the other, so you swear never to marry. You had a very authoritarian father, so you swear to always live free, avoid any bosses, jobs, or relationships that might threaten to tie you down. Does any of this sound familiar?
It Starts With A Decision
Each one of us has had moments in our lives when we have made key decisions that go on to effect us, for better or worse, for the rest of our lives. These decisions are most commonly made in childhood (consciously or unconsciously) when something we witnessed or experienced was distressful, painful, or even traumatic. Key decisions are the mind’s way of protecting us from these situations in the future, but more often than not these decisions start to limit us at some point in our adult lives.
In the first example of the person who promises themselves to never let anyone get close to them for fear of heartache and vulnerability will never have a successful relationship. The wall they put up around their heart will overtime be the cause of the very heartache that they fear. The person who makes such a key decision, will unconsciously self-sabotage any relationship, romantic or otherwise, with anyone who tries to connect with them on too intimate of a level.
“Key decisions are the mind’s way of protecting us from these situations in the future”
Let Go
Key decisions are made out of good intent. But even with the best intentions, they can’t be allowed to limit you later, affecting your relationships, career, personality, etc. Ask yourself, is there anything holding you back from the life you want to have in the future? Can the cause of this be traced back to a key decision, something you experienced in your past?
Article by LAHR
Free yourself from the limiters of your past. We offer coaching sessions for working through key decisions and rewriting their narrative so you can live a fuller life. Please reach out to us, we’ll be happy to guide you through the process.