Live the Life you dream of.

Love every part of it.

Conquer with unstoppable Momentum.

Make the life you want

Helping you

Be your dream

It is ok to feel like you don’t have all the answers or even have it all together. 

But what if you could feel great more often? Move on from past challenges? Have the relationships and connections you are craving?

The amazing thing is you can, and we can help you achieve exactly that and more. You deserve to have the life you want right now.

If you are looking for compassionate, insightful, supporting guidance, then you came to the right place!

We are Lindsey and Marcel, founders
of Life LM – Life. Love. Momentum.,
and we want to help you make
the life you aspire to a reality

What our clients say

Have you been dragging your feet for ages? Still not actively pursuing the things you are dreaming of? Are you burdened by the relationships around you, personal and business?  Do you have a laundry list of things you want to change in your life? 

Today is the day for ACTION! 

We offer a no-fee Strategy Session for all perspective clients. Take every opportunity to stop dwelling on your hopes and wishes and start making them real.

Fuel your Momentum

We continually post articles, stories and tips that inspire and give you that momentum you need to shape your life right now

Your journey has to start somewhere. Start creating your own Momentum Story today.

A DrEAM to
do better

Life. Love. Momentum. was founded to make the world a better place, starting by helping individuals like you. We believe the more people who are fulfilled and living their best life, the more they will also affect those around them in a positive way. Better communication, better relationships, a better life. 

Wouldn’t it be great, if you could have the life you wanted right now? You CAN.

What can we do for you?


Our relationships affect our daily lives the most. This includes our partners, families, work colleagues, you name it. Get the most out of your relationships with our coaching methods right now.


Communication is everything. Sometimes what we mean and what we say are two different things. We can give you the tools to communicate effectively.

Follow Your Dreams

You only get to live this life once. Do you have a spark of something tingling within you? Do you feel you are meant to be more, give more, experience more? We want to help you live the life you were born to right now.

Self Development

Are you looking for well-rounded self-development? No matter what field of your life you want to hone in on, we at Life LM are there to support and guide you all the way.

Goal Setting

Our goals are the steps we need to take to get to the next level. And there is always a next level. Let us help you make your goals a reality.

Compassionate Consultants

We at Life LM have experienced our fair share of struggles, failures and dreams and it has given us a lot of insight and understanding for our clients. We care about you and want to help you live, love and be everything you can be.

Go for your Dreams today

The life you are dreaming of, the person you want to be, the amazing relationships you want to have are all within your reach. You just have to act.

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